
SoulConX offers spiritual, holistic, intuitive services to empower well-being. SoulConX fully-vets all practitioners and it's an honor to be accepted! (Ok, in this case it's also my company...)
My Journey
It's been a crazy ride "coming out" as a Medium. I am a single mother, CPA and a professional consultant by day, so you can imagine, right? I'm not really the eclectic medium-type! I've known spirit was around since I was a small child. I was able to feel when my loved ones were ill or in danger, knew when they had been injured or passed, and felt them in spirit. A few years ago when my grandmother passed that I realized, hey, I'm definitely NOT making this stuff up! I was in Bikram Yoga and sat up and there she was. It was all I could do to keep from screaming! I knew then she had passed. I went out to my car and my phone was ringing. It was my dad. Before he said anything, I said "Nana passed about a half hour ago" and he said "yes, how did you know?!?" My best friend Fiona recommended I take a psychic development class (I didn't even know they had those). I did and became certified as a Medium. I truly enjoy helping others heal through connecting them with those "here in spirit."

As seen on
Got Questions? I’m Here to Help.
Do virtual readings work?
Readings are energy-based; the integrity of the information I receive as medium is not compromised by distance or geographical location. A good similarity to this is prayer or positive thoughts which may be sent many miles to the intended receiver. The energetic connection with you and/or the spirit world is made when you and I connect via Zoom. I have done thousands of readings via Zoom with successful, positive results. On top of that, I have many years of experience of reading for callers when I’ve been a guest on numerous radio shows.
For a virtual session, you do not need to leave the comfort and privacy of your own home for your appointment. Importantly, you save time and gas!
How do you receive messages?
I connect with Angels, Spirit Guides, and loved ones who have passed to give you messages of clarity and closure. Spirit uses a variety of ways to get a message across! I see spirit - like a daydream. I hear spirit or just have a "knowing." And they will tap, press, or squeeze on a part of my body to let me know about an ailment or how they passed.
What do I need to know / bring to a reading?
There will be a lot to take in and remember! I recommend you prepare by writing questions and engaging in stillness or meditation before we connect. Readings are NOTÂ a passive. I recommend bringing a notepad and pen. You are also welcome to voice record.
What are reasonable expectations?
Come with an open mind. Having unreasonable expectations creates blocks and makes it more difficult for messages to come through. Examples are "testing" spirit/reader or that you will only believe it's your loved one if they say that one specific thing.
Keep in mind, SPIRIT is in control. Not me. Not you. If you are intent on a specific loved one, and another spirit steps through, that was their choice. I cannot control that. We can set our intent and request spirit oblige.
It's not really how it appears on TV, as the very best mediums are not 100-percent accurate, but typically will get about 75 to 85 percent of information correct. Some information you may not be able to validate because you don't know or have "psychic amnesia." And some might be right on! I will ask you for validation so that we can feel confident that spirit has provided enough evidential information to trust the connection (appearance, cause of death, personality, shared memories etc.). Then it is okay, in our world, to work with me to some extent to help them understand what they are seeing. Most mediums see signs and symbols or references to people in their lives who might be in parallel—this is what they are translating. So, to use an example from Laura Lynne Jackson, if they are shown an apple, it could mean that someone is a teacher, a baker, a New Yorker, an Apple fanatic, an Apple employee, etc. Feel comfortable asking me to re-interpret or to ask spirit for more information. It's a good idea to tape your session so you can transcribe it and refer back.
Please understand that I cannot give refunds for services once they have been completed. You will have received my time, my expertise and in the case of email readings, a video you have paid for. Please read my bio before ordering to see if I am the right practitioner for you.
You, me, and spirit must connect energetically. Occasionally ‘shielding’ can occur, either of our own doing or by our own guides. When this happens it makes it almost impossible for there to be a clear message. If this is the case, I will be more than happy to refer you to another reputable colleague.
Do you do psychic readings or predict the future?
I connect with your guides, Angels, and your own energy to provide guidance on your life path. There may be future-oriented information. However, this information is what is most probable at this moment in time. Your freedom of choice or the choices of others may drive things in a different direction.

Information you receive from any and all services, communication, or consultations with Cheryl Pillar, the DC Medium is for personal, educational, or entertainment purposes only and is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. Cheryl Pillar, the DC Medium will not accept responsibility for any decisions made or actions taken by anyone based upon services, consultations, or communications received. The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. You agree to completely hold harmless and indemnify Cheryl Pillar, the DC Medium from any and all liabilities and expenses. By scheduling an appointment, you agree to these terms and conditions.
​Tags: DC Medium, NOVA Medium, psychic medium in NOVA, psychic medium in DC, DC Medium readings, NOVA medium readings, angel card reading, psychic medium, psychic medium fairfax virginia, psychic medium readings